Lands and Culture

Takla’s Lands and Stewardship department works hard to make sure logging, mining, and other resource extraction in our territory are done in a sustainable, responsible way that benefits Takla Nation. We negotiate agreements with the industry to improve environmental standards, going above and beyond the bare minimum in stewardship required by provincial regulations. We also employ members to monitor the water, animals, and forests to keep our lands and people healthy.

Lands and Stewardship are responsible for cultural activities and keeping Takla’s language alive. We organize culture days and storytelling gatherings several times a year. Check Takla Nation’s Calendar of Events to see when the next gathering will take place.

Nuwh K’un’agh 

Terms Of Reference Aug 11 2020  

Nuwh K’un’agh Advisory Committee Call for Interested Members –

Language & Culture Advisory Committee final

Nuwh K’un’agh Advisory Committee


2021-01-11 Takla Nation – Land Use Plan




Takla Landing BC
Tel: 250-996-7877
Fax: 250-996-7874
Toll-Free: 1-877-794-7877

Finance Office
510 Carney Street
Prince George BC
V2M 2K6
Tel: 250-564-9321
Fax: 250-564-9521